Monday 14 September 2015



In this scene in the film James bond the Mise-en-scene creates many effects. For example the lighting is used to create a very tense effect, the lighting in this scene is called the back light as it is in the background also there is a key light which is shinning on the character in the chair to show he is topless and defines his physique and also makes the characters the subject of the scene. The main light which is the back light in this scene gives us a hint to the narrative as the back light is meant to be representing a saviour or to show that there is a way out.

The costume and positioning of the characters shows the power of the each character. The man in the suit is portrayed as very intimidating and his positioning also makes him dominant as he is standing up but Bond looks very weak as he has no top on and is strapped to a chair however due to the position of Bond he looks slightly high-powered as he is not slanted he is sitting straight despite still being the victim in the situation.

The setting is underground and we know this due to the back light shinning down. This portrays that what is happening in the scene is very suspicious and hidden. This creates a spooky effect as it is very quiet underground also the leaks of water on the floor portray that the setting is the underground of the boat.


Sunday 13 September 2015


Key Light

Back Light


This is an advert from the organisation/company Protein World and this advert caused contraversy when it first appeared as there is an underlying message that all women should look like the model in the ad. The term "Beach Body" is implying that there is only one type of body for the beach but that is not the case.  

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Camera Angles

Close Up
A shot taken near the subject, so that significant detail can be observed.

Extreme Close Up
A shot that is so near to the subject it can only focus on a small part.

High angle shot
A shot taken from a height above the subject.

Low angle shot
A shot taken from an angle below the subject.

Dutch angle shot
A shot is taken of a subject at a tilted angle.

Wide Shot
A shot taken from a significant distance away.

Two Shot
A shot where two characters occupy the frame simultaneously

Point Of View
A shot replicating the perspective of a character or object.

Medium Close up
A shot taken that shows the shoulders and face of the subject.

Mid Shot
A shot that is meant to replicate the viewpoint of an audience member.

Birds eye view
A shot from almost direct overhead perspective of the subject.

Monday 7 September 2015

Media Scene (Pulp Fiction remake: Trunk Scene)

My recreated scene was from the film Pulp Fiction and was the Trunk Scene however I slightly changed the scene so that there was different camera angles for example in the film there was just one camera angle from inside the truck but I added two more angles from above the car and from behind the car to show different angles of the subject. What I would do next time to improve my scene is choose a longer scene so that I can show more shot techniques etc.  

Thursday 3 September 2015

Task 4: How has this sequence been constructed to affect an audience?

How has this sequence been constructed to affect an audience?

The sequence is from Fast and Furious 7 The Movie (The Plane Scene)

The sequence has been constructed to affect an audience by using many different techniques for example the sound. There is both diegetic and non diegetic throughout the sequence for example the non diegetic upbeat music and the loud diegetic music of the plane opening. The upbeat non diegetic sounds creates a dramatic affect as it causes suspense for the audience however the sequence has also been constructed to portrays slight humour in some parts of the scene. For example during the diegetic dialogue when one character says to another "your praying aren't you" and he actually is shows a humorous side to the scene.

Another way the sequence has been constructed to affect the audience in through the camera angles. There are two high angle shots, one of the plane and this is used to show how far down the cars will be falling and one of the car after falling from the plane which is used to make the car look powerless in the air. Both these examples create a scary affect for the audience as the camera angle has made it even more dramatic.

The use of mise en scene and in particular the props is also another way how this sequence has been constructed to affect the audience as the props are very unique and unusual for example having cars in the middle of the air and having parachutes on the cars. This creates excitement for the audience as it creates an adrenaline pump due to the unexpected props in unexpected places.

During the action packed scene there is a lot of fast paced editing when the cars are falling. This affects the audience as the quick editing makes the scene a lot more energetic and is much more exciting for the audience.

so overall all the filming/media techniques put together in the sequence create a very dramatic but exciting affect on the audience and the techniques such as soundtrack and editing cause emotion.

Jack FitzGerald

Task Two: The media

Summer Preparation work

My name is Jack FitzGerald, I am sixteen years old and I am currently doing AS media at Orleans Park Sixthform. I have been shaped dramatically by the media as it is in my every day life, from my phone to my laptop to my TV.   I am a big fan of Apple apps such as Instagram and Snapchat as it allows me to connect with friends and family and see what they are up to.

TV shows are also another type of media that I love as I use apps such as Netflix and Now TV to watch programmes regularly and I enjoy this as I can watch shows one after another such as Prison Break, Breaking Bad and Heroes. Over the summer I have watched Orange Is The New Black, Pretty Little Liars and suits and although I loved all these shows it did take up a lot of time over my summer as I could have been doing something more productive which is why I think at times social media can be affecting the lives of young people like me as it can make young people become very lazy nevertheless it allowed me to see what my friends were up to over the summer.

There is not much I hate about the media as in my opinion it benefits everyone to a certain extent because my iPhone benefits me, it allows me to quickly find out whats happening around the world with only a couple of taps of my finger. However I do believe people my age use social media too much and it takes over their lives but that is only a minority of teenagers.

To me the media is all about a connection that everyone can have with each other, it is a way of finding out new information and connecting with friends and family and sharing memories.

Jack FitzGerald